Claims Cost Stability

We deliver an end-to-end solution at a lower cost and higher quality thanks to our investments and large-scale operations.

In an increasingly volatile landscape, lean on Gallagher Bassett to stay the course, navigate the winds of change, and combat the rising cost of claims.

A partnership with Gallagher Bassett means access to learnings gathered from years of global experience. Our dedicated Carrier Practice has seen it all across the decades and is familiar with the impacts of inflation and cost of living that are currently affecting the cost of claims.

Our strength in servicing insurers with outsourced support comes not only from the efficiency of our systems, people, and processes but also from the way we tailor our support to each partner and exploit our economies of scale.

Along with employing technical claims experts and specialist loss adjusters with the forensic capability to support insurers, Gallagher Bassett works with a host of industry partners that help mitigate the impact on materials of trade and supply shortages as well as inflation. It’s all about working as a team for one purpose – to boost your portfolio savings.

What our clients are saying

Our Expertise

Carrier Practise Team
0 +
Claims Handled
0 K
Carrier Relationships
0 +
Claims Value
$ 0 B


April 2022

GB Carrier Practice Capabilities Overview

We understand that carriers are under pressure to grow profitably, continuously develop products, expand in markets, delight customers, and keep pace with technology.

April 2022

Insurer resilience in a rapidly changing world: Finding opportunities in the value chain

In times of uncertainty, insurance carriers can remain resilient and continue to grow…

April 2022

Legacy Claims Solutions

According to a recent survey*, roughly 30% of run-off deals are motivated by disposing of non-core business; over 15% of relate to trends in social inflation and managing…

April 2022

Your next big opportunity is already here

Within a dynamic insurance marketplace, the ability to continuously develop products, expand in markets, delight customers and keep pace…

Case Studies

April 2022

North America: Improving Performance and Outcomes for an Industry Start-up

A start-up MGA and its carrier partner engaged Gallagher Bassett to initiate and manage the launch of its newest program. After two successful years, the start-up elected to harness their learnings and manage their own in-house team. GB was eventually reengaged to enhance performance and integrate additional improvements for continued growth including exposure-based staffing, policy level data transmission and enhanced compliance with Carrier Practice standards.

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